Film Rights/Books

A Place Called Waco: A Survivor’s Story (Public Affairs/Optioned by Showtime) AUTHOR/ David Thibodeau and Leon Whiteson

Love, Groucho: Letters from Groucho Marx to His Daughter Miriam (DaCapo Press/Optioned by CBS)

Bye-Bye (New York University Press, Hardcover; Pocket Books, Trade Paper) AUTHOR/ Jane Ransom

Dead Languages *** (Alfred Knopf/Hardcover. Graywolf Press/Re-release) AUTHOR/ David Shields

Big Fish, Drop-Off *** (St. Martin's Press/Optioned by Warner Brothers) AUTHOR/ Ken Grissom

Ishi's Journey *** (Optioned by Moll/Beallor/SKG Dreamworks) AUTHOR/James Freeman


In My Father's House Screenwriter/ Will Manus

What Angels Know A new take on the Elizabeth Barrett/Robert Browning legendary love affair, this time from her point of view. Screenwriter/ Phil Davis

Other Clients and Recent Publications

Love, Groucho: Letters from Groucho Marx to His Daughter Miriam. (Faber & Faber/ Hardcover, paperback. Publishing Mills/Audio rights. BBC/World Broadcasting rights. French and German Rights sold.. Film Rights Available.) EDITOR/ Miriam Marx Allen

Groucho Marx and Other Short Stories and Tall Tales: Selected Writings of Groucho Marx..

(Faber & Faber/Hardcover, Paperback. Now distributed by Farrar, Straus, & Giroux. French, German and Italian Rights Sold..) EDITOR/ Robert Bader

A Visit to the Art Galaxy. (Green Tiger Press/Simon & Schuster), The Potty Chronicles. (Magination Press), The History of Christmas. (Dove Books), The Long Journey of the Little Seed . (Dove Books) This Nervous Breakdown Is Driving Me Crazy. (Dove Books ) AUTHOR/ Annie Reiner

Children’s Books

I’ll Know What To Do: A Young Peoples’ Guide to Natural Disasters ( Magination Press) AUTHORS/ Dr. Bonnie Mark and Aviva Layton